Saturday, September 5, 2015

Day 26 of the 40 Day Challenge: Nautical Day Dreams & Treasures from India

To navigate anywhere these days, we tend towards the GPS, but back not so long ago, a compass was the common tool to use.  And even today it is still used at sea.  I love this parasol, it is patterned after the nautical theme, with it's gold and blue.  Abbie painted a compass for me yet again, and I love the final effect!  You can buy it here on Etsy.  And now for our feature, true India treasures....


Look at all the color!  I love the teapot and the dolls in particular!  However, for me it was really hard to decide.  Everything is so very carefully decorated!  Check out this wonderful store on Etsy for truly wonderful treasures all the way from India!